On the left sidebar you will see a button to go to the very first kidmade challenge. Each month kidmade will be offering up a new creativity challenge for kids. The theme for each of these challenges will be pretty general. Small materials lists may be provided and most of these will be things you can find in your art cabinet or recycling bin. I have always been inspired by the variety of outcomes a group of kids can come up with using the same materials. These challenges are really about the process each child goes through and how each child/artist brings their own perspective and experience to the challenge.
The theme and any guidelines will be announced on the first day of the month and entries will be due on the last day of the month. I plan to include links to books and websites that might inspire you on the given challenge. Please leave comments of other books or sites you find that are relevant.
Monthly submissions should include a picture of the given project (or writing if it is a writing challenge) and a little blurb about what you did and how you did it , along with your first name and age. I will put together a gallery to display all the entries.
Send to kidmadeATyahooDOTcom
I was inspired to offer these challenges by all of the monthly mommy craft challenges like Tie One On and Whiplash. I thought it would be fun to have challenges and galleries of some kidmade projcets.
I can't wait to see all of your entries.