Along with the monthly creativity challenges I wanted kidmade to be a place where kids could blog about the stuff they make. I am always amazed by how patient and thoughtful my girls are while they are in the middle of one of their projects. These are the projects that are self-initiated and usually spontaneous. I am often around to help out, hold blocks, find materials, or ask questions but these projects are kid-directed. Sometimes the outcome is stunning and inspiring and sometimes we end up with a big wad of tape and cardboard but the process they have been through is what inspires me. Documenting these experiences and the child's reflection on the project is always insightful. So please play along and inspire us by sending your own kid-inspired, kid-directed posts to
Allright, enough mom talk, on to our very first kidmade kid post. (Yep, full nepotism here)
A Lego Go-Kart by Anya, age 5
I was trying to make a go-kart. I used Legos. First I tried using a lego wheel cart but it would not work. And then I tried to make a floor but the floor would not stay. I had to make the floor thicker. Then I had to make sides for the roof. Then I decided to make the deck, but the deck kept breaking so I had to take it apart. Then figure out how to make the wheels. So I used Tinker Toys. I added the Tinker Toys on and I had a go-kart. My favorite part was that Maddie's animals could go inside.