As you can see things have been very quiet around here. I have not managed to get a new challenge up over the last month nor have I set up the last few galleries. I'm very sorry to those of you that have sent in submissions. (I promise to get them up soon). For those of you still checking in thank you so much.
I'm thinking that instead of having kidmade floating in the background of my mind as another responsibilty I'm not getting to I need to just take a bit of an official break. The fact that I haven't managed to complete the last two challenges with my own kids says volumes about the need for a break. It also lets me know that kidmade has lost a bit of it's focus and original intent. So I'm going to take a little break and let this site stew in my head for a bit, without feeling guilty about not updating and come back in the new year with a fresh perspective (hopefully) and some fresh ideas.
In the meantime, I would love some feedback from all of you.
What types of challenges would you enjoy?
What was inspirational about the challenges?
What was prohibitive?
Anything else?
Thank you all for stopping in and participating in this little venture of mine. I really was amazed and inspired by all of you.